1300 942 531
Record start to the day with our first pod spotted before we even left the river mouth! A pod of 4 whales were spotted which was a mum and calf accompanied by two male escorts! (judging by the behaviour we could tell they were male). One of the males starting head lunging and did this for 15 mins after that the calf breached for the next 60 mins with the occasional peduncle throw and head lunge from Mr Floppy. We watched them slowly swim south with great surface action and close encounters. We saw two more pods after them but they weren’t as exciting as what we’d had previously.
The second cruise was awesome!! We watched a mum and calf and two escorts breach and peduncle throw for 30 mins. The little calf performed the corkscrew breach non stop as well as swam under the bow giving everyone on the front section the closest look you could possibly get. On the way home we weaved our way through 8 pods of whales all actively on the surface! These whales were breaching and tail slapping as we cruised past. Overall another fantastic day with everyone onboard totally blown away by what we all experienced!