Mother Nature is certainly being kind to us! The forecasted blow went through in the early hours of the morning and eased back on dawn to allow a fantastic morning trip with our humbbacked visitors.
A full boat of eager passengers were seeing their first whale within the 3 mile coastal exclusion zone and were disappointed to have to travel further offshore in our search.Luckily we found a couple of beautiful young adults soon after and cruised with them for an hour or so. They were similar to a lot of recent whales with their curiosity bringing them close to Whale One for some great close encounters and one particularly awesome belly roll and with accompanying dual pectoral waves!
With a lot of kids on board for the holidays, the pressure was on to find a young calf and we did not have to go far before we were alongside an extremely “bouncy” calf that spent more time out of the water than in it. The number of breaches he treated us to was unbelievable.