1300 942 531

On the way out today a whale was spotted very close to shore less than 3 miles off, the boat passed the beautiful mother slowly but didn’t stop for a show due to distance regulation. As the vessel arrived at the 6 mile mark two hump backs were spotted by crew only a few hundred meters away, the engines were turned off and because of the hooting antics of the passengers on board the whales were extra curious. The two whales spent over an hour and a half with the vessel, they were extremely eager to perform and show off to the passengers, breaching at a very close distance, throwing tail lobs, sky hopping and performing their classic full roll under the boat. It really was an extraordinary day with these whales today; the wind was 10-15 knots with a half meter of SSW chop. On the way home several whale blows were spotted on the horizon and a single bull passed the vessel as very close proximity.