The sea conditions were good today with a one meter swell this morning on the whale watching cruise, with no wind to speak of and only a light shower we were undeterred- and what’s a little rain to a Humpback whale! We found whales early this morning about 3 miles North East of Point Cartwright and spent about an hour watching a mother and her calf travelling along with an escort. Progress was slow going with the calf behaving just like a naughty toddler and constantly swimming off from mum, the mother and escort spent most of the hour trying to nudge the baby back onto the correct route as it had fun tail slapping and playing. We also had a few head lunges and breaches from the trio before we moved on after a very enjoyable hour watching the whales interactions. We then saw a competition pod of four whales 5 miles east of Point Cartwright, the pod treated us to a lovely big breach as well as tail slaps before they split off from each other, leaving us to follow two of the whales who we had close encounters with as the gentle giants came right up to the boat, as well as more fluke up dives.
19th July, another beautiful day with the whales
Jul 19, 2013 | Whale Watching