What a beautiful day out on Whale One, with little breeze in the morning and minimal swell we saw a few Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins on our way out. We then found our first pod of 2 about 5 miles East of Point Cartwright. They had fairly long down times of about 6 minutes but came up right beside the boat for close encounters and showed off with some big fluke up dives. As they headed inshore we paced alongside them and came upon another pod of 3, these humpbacks performed peduncle throws and barrel rolls, they also mugged the boat for about 25 minutes and as we pulled away one whale gave our passengers a great view of the ‘money shot’ with one spectacular breach. On the way in it was getting a little choppy with about 10 knots of southerly breeze but we still managed to spot one more whale who showed off with a breach, upside down tail slaps and peduncle throws. We docked back at the Wharf at about 12 with a boat load of happy passengers.
Tuesday 20th August
Aug 20, 2013 | Whale Watching