1300 942 531

The whales are here again and our cruises have started with fine weather and blue skies.

There were a total of 3 whales today with some very close encounters.

Great whale watching for Whale One passengers on board today. We found two whales about six miles off shore. A mother and a juvenile calf both providing everyone with fantastic action. Breaching, peduncle throws, Fluke up dives and close encounters were the order of the day.
After following this pod for most of the cruise we also witnessed Breaching & Head Lunging for approx 10 mins and the calf joined in on the action.

6 Bottlenosed Dolphins were also spotted swimming with the whales.

Book online and save 50% www.whaleone.com.au Quote the Promo Code BRO50  when booking. Or call the office on 1300 942 531.


 head lunge A giant humpback performing a Head Lunge

 breach Breaching Humpback Whale

 tail slap Juvenile Tail Slapping

web ped throw A humpback whale performing a Peduncle Throw