It was a gorgeous morning on the water with calm seas and a cloudless sky. We went 4 nautical miles off shore and spotted two pods of whales. A mother with her inquisitive calf had fun playing around the boat and showing off to the delight of the crowd. Several dolphins joined us and played around the boat. A second pod of two adults mugged the boat and put on a show with multiple fluke ups and tail slaps, swimming under and around the boat and giving us some great photographic moments.
The afternoon trip saw 2 pods of 2 Humpback Whales only 4 nautical miles out! Our guests on board were treated to a display of fluke up dives and magical close encounters. Beautiful, calm sea conditions out on the water!
Book online using discount code WEBW16 – 100% money back guaranteed – $59 adults and $39 kids. OR for a closer than close encounter on our new boat WILD ONE book with code Webwild $59 Adults, $39 kids 100% money back guaranteed!