The morning cruise was a fantastic day of whale activity! We had 4 whales today, 4 nautical miles off Point Cartwright.
A mother, calf and yearling were accompanied by an escort who put on an acrobatic show for us! They were breaching, pec slapping and tail slapping. The curious whales were spy hopping and swimming around our boat, much to the delight of our passengers on board.
In the afternoon the rain set in and unfortunately the whale that we did see was playing hide and seek! He came up and gave us a blow then had long dive times. We have had two sensational days of whales but unfortunately this afternoon they didn’t want to play with us!
Book whale watching during September using discount codeWEB916W1 (Whale watching cruise on WHALE ONE) or WEB916WILD (2.5 HOUR whale watching on “WILD ONE”) – September super special – We’ll double your refund so that’s Not 100% but DOUBLE your money back guaranteed – $59 adults and $39 kids. PLUS when you book and cruise in September we give you a FREE Sunset Cruise valid until 30 November.