What perfect weather today and the whales seemed to be out enjoying as well!
Our first whale sighting of the morning were a 2 adults,who were doing a lot of breaching only 3 nautical miles out!
The next pod of whales spotted were a mother and her calf, as well as an escort. We has a few viewings from them and moved onto our next pod.
Another mile out we had 8 whales within 500 metres and they well and truly put on a show for our guests! These whales gave us many close encounters, pec slaps and fluke up dives!
Our first whale sighting of the morning were a 2 adults,who were doing a lot of breaching only 3 nautical miles out!
The next pod of whales spotted were a mother and her calf, as well as an escort. We has a few viewings from them and moved onto our next pod.
Another mile out we had 8 whales within 500 metres and they well and truly put on a show for our guests! These whales gave us many close encounters, pec slaps and fluke up dives!
The fabulous whale activity continued this afternoon as Whale One headed out for the second cruise of the day!
Off Point Cartwright a mother, calf and escort were spotted and these three gave our guest some close encounter! further out a pod of 3 were swimming slowly and showed us some fluke up dives and head lunging.Later 2 adults were also spotted.
Whale One slowly headed back and saw loads of whales in the distance to finish off the afternoon.
Its great time of year to see these gentle giants as they head south and play with us along the way!
Book your special NOW… using discount code WEBWHALE (Whale watching cruise on WHALE ONE) WEBWILD (Whale watching cruise on WILD ONE) – $59 adults and $39 kids.