Whales AHOY! After a fabulous week of whale sightings, today was no different! We ventured out today in this beautiful sun to find some whales and only 4 nautical miles North-east of Mooloolaba we spotted some! We had around 3-4 pods at any time around the boat. These pods ranges from 2 to 4 whales. We saw some breaching from a distance, tail slaps and pec slaps from these gentle giants. There were a few sleepy whales about, floating on the surface aswell!
A pod of dolphins were out directly off Point Cartwright!
Come and see the whales for yourself. Join us this season for only $69 for Adults, $46 for Children (4-14 yrs) and Infants under 4 are free! Use promo code WEBWW to get the discounted price!