What a beautiful morning to go whale watching and with clear conditions and calm seas, the whales were out to play. We saw several pods to start our morning but the highlight was the two mothers we spotted, each with a calf. Both had great surface times and their little ones were very inquisitive. One mother looked to be about 20 years old and was a healthy 30 tonne. We had an awesome close encounter when she and her baby came right up to the boat and swam around us.
This afternoon we found a very active male about 7mile off shore. He was playing on the surface and trying to attract a play mate with lots of tail slaps, pec slaps and tail lobbing. He performed for us for about 5-10 minutes before we moved closer to shore. We found a competition pod of about 6 whales, all shoving and pushing each other on the surface before three broke away and went their separate ways. The remaining three came over to our boat and gave us a close encounter, swimming round and under us to finish off a beautiful day on the water.
Come and join us this week for an unforgettable day. Book online at www.whaleone.com.au using promo code WEBWW or call our friendly staff on 1300942531 to get a great deal. Adults now only $69 and children under 14 are $46.