We departed today at 12:30 pm with only a group of 20 passengers (due to the current restrictions from Covid).
It was a clear, sunny day on the water, and went out about 10-15 nautical miles. We saw whales on 3 different occasions, some in the distance, and others coming to us getting about 100 metres from Whale One!
First we saw a pod of about 4 or 5 whales, and saw around 2 or 3 on our way home that we ended up oberving for a while.
The whales we saw had down times (time under the surface) of about 5-10 minutes, lots of big blows and even some pec slapping!
We were all very excited to see these gorgeous animals in real life – let alone when one of the juvinile whales started pec slapping, or when a pod came up close to us!
Such a beautiful day all around! Looking forward to see what tomorrow brings.
Sunshine Coast Whale Watching Report, Sunreef Mooloolaba