A total of 10 whales.
Today, Skipper Dion reported whale everywhere. Cruising out the first pod were spotted only 6 mile offshore shortly after leaving the Mooloolah River canal. These two humpbacks were closely followed by another 2 sets. Out on the horizon there were numerous whales breaching. Another pod were sighted just north of the vessel breaching only 1 mile off. We followed this pod and they joined with another 2 whales who came over to get a closer look. Squeals of excitement were heard from our passengers as these majestic giants performed their routine of fluke up dives, tail slaps, rollovers and spy hopping. All were amazed at the massive size of these creatures. An amazing day with only 0.5 metre seas and a slight 15 knot breeze.
Plenty of whales are reported to grace our coastline in the coming months as they make their way to the Whitsundays on their Northern migration.
From the helm
Skipper Dion