Today our morning started 8 mile off with a large female humpback who was surrounded by 5 boisterous males! She was unfazed by all the male attention and decided to give us a show of her won. This particular female tail slapped, pec slapped and even did a peduncle throw. After over an hour with her and her male counterparts, we headed back and on our way we saw a huge blow. Slowing down we found a mother, escort and a very new calf thought to be only days old! This mother was trying to teach her little on how to peduncle throw, which was a very cute to watch!
This afternoon we had similar conditions and ventured out 7 nautical miles out to find some whales. We pod hopped after seeing our first pods of 2 and 3 whales as they had long down times and were cruising along. Our next pod of 3 hung around us for 45 minutes in total, mugging the boat and swimming around and under us. One whale gave us a corkscrew breach! What a great day of surface action!
Come and join us for only $69 for Adults, $46 for Children (4-14 yrs) and Infants under 4 are free! For this special discounted price use the promo code WEBWW!