As our introduction to whale watching this morning we had a mum and calf breaching, tail slapping and tail lobbing just two minutes out from the headland. A big male moved in and the mum’s behaviour radically changed. She quickly took her calf further out to sea and had longer down times. We pod hopped our way to the blinker, four nautical miles offshore, and we hit the jackpot with another mum and calf. The calf breached for 15 minutes straight, much to our delight. Not too far off we found 10 whales swimming in typical formation which was an incredible way to finish off the morning.
Wacky doo again! We spotted our first pod only 15 minutes into our cruise and they started with a bang! We came across a little calf, which we could see was a little girl, and she breached over and over for the first 30 minutes of our trip. She was only interrupted by a pod of two males who wanted mum’s attention. We watched one of the males perform a series of peduncle throws out of frustration. It was a perfect end to the afternoon.
#whaleone #cometolifeinmooloolaba #visitsunshinecoast#thisisqueensland #seeaustralia