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25th June 2012 Whale Watching

What a day to be whale watching!! Today Whale One spotted 3 whales 7.7 nautical miles offshore and boy did they put on a spectacular show for the passengers. These 3 juvenile whales were breaching, tail slapping and pec slapping in complete synchronisation and even...


Today on the whale one vessel, 8 whales were spotted throughout the journey off the coast of Point Cartwright. Firstly a small juvenile whale, he entertained passengers for an hour with his antics coming close enough to the boat to see the beautiful marking of the...

What a day with the whales! 22/05/2012

Another great day out on the water today, the passengers were witness to the playful interactions of two very curious whales. Two very curious whales followed the boat closely for a good half an hour, at a distance of only 400m, performing the fluke up and fluke down...

18 June 2012- whale watching cruise

Two humpbacks were sighted 14 miles East of Point Cartwright today.  They were allusive at first but once they became familiar with the vessel the passengers were witness to great interaction between the whales. Both whales were beside the vessel for long periods, the...

Whale One passenger testimonial on Friday 15th June

Reported by two very enthusiastic ladies. “What a glorious trip, perfect weather, beautiful green clear water, clear blue skies and very little swell. Staff, well what a delightful bunch, nothing was a bother, everything was their pleasure. Perfect,...