1300 942 531

27 August 2011 Whale Watching Report

We were entertained by two sub-adults today, only 3.5 nautical miles east off Mooloolaba. They were very inquisitive, spending most of the day within 20 metres of the boat. When whales interact with boats it’s called a mugging, and we got mugged a number of...

26 August 2011 Whale Watching Report

After five days of rough ocean conditions, we finally threw the ropes and headed out to sea. It was not long before we came across our first pod of two whales 4 nautical miles east off Mooloolaba. These whales proved to be quite elusive at times with long down times....

23 August 2011 Whale Watching Report

Mother nature has determined that there will be no whale watching again today – with extremely strong winds, associated rough seas and rain, we have cancelled today and tomorrow’s whale trips. It is hoped to be easing tomorrow to allow a trip out on...

21 August 2011 Whale Watching Report

Due to strong winds and high seas the Sunday Whale Watching cruise has been cancelled. We will be watching the weather and advise if there are any further alterations to our scheduled cruises.

20 August 2011 Whale Watching Report

Today we saw two whales travelling south. These humpbacks must have used all their energy early as a spotter on the headland reported them breaching as we cruised out to the whale highway. The whales were swimming slowly giving the passengers a good viewing as they...